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The Intelligent Transport System World Congress 2014 is sponsoring a Code-a-thon to inspire creative app development for vehicles. Think big, think creative; think mobile connectivity or safety or convenience or…it’s up to you!
When: Friday, Sept. 5 – Saturday, Sept. 6 from 7pm to 7pm
Where: Grand Circus, Detroit
What: 24 Hour Code-a-thon developing something amazing around the greatest mobile device ever, the automobile!
Who: This challenge is open to college students, entrepreneurs, and tech start-ups.
The Cool Details:
This hack includes the opportunity to present your design to a team of industry judges in front of the world at the Intelligent Transport System World Congress at Cobo Hall in Detroit, attended by connected and autonomous vehicle experts, communication and mobile technology companies. Challenge teams will receive a guided tour of the show floor and the opportunity to upload resumes and meet potential employers or clients while on site.
Prizes will be awarded on the Saturday and again on the Show Floor!
For additional details:
Registration is open!
Registration fee: $20/team of up to four
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